Thursday, December 29, 2011

US has a few financial advantages

 when compared to Europe.   Natural resources, intellectual property, even the political system.   Read more at

Thursday, December 22, 2011

U.S. Faces Fitch AAA Downgrade By End of 2013 Unless Deficit Cuts Made

GAO: Navy, Marines have $22 billion in accounting errors

The GAO report, requested by seven House and Senate members, found the Navy and Marines accounting system failed an audit attempt of the “Fund Balance With Treasury,” which is the equivalent of a corporate bank account statement.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Uh-oh! What's this run-out date for these pensions?

Thanks to the AGA for highlighting this research report of 126 public pension plans by Alicia Munnell of the Boston College team who did this research.  There is an interesting date that will get people talking.  As the AGA newsletter pointed out, there is a column in the appendix that might be otherwise overlooked.   It shows the year of the projected runout date for the pension trust fund using the methodology for evaluating pension funding that GASB has proposed.

The Center for Retirement Research has a number of publications of interest

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

California pensions article

accompanied with a nice set of visuals at this Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.   Every day that something is not done....those numbers add up.

Friday, December 9, 2011

GASB proposal for 5 year budget projections concern Treasurers

who were meeting at the National Association of Treasurers meeting.   Read their concerns here.